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Respectful Maternity Care Resources

This version was saved 8 years, 4 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by Dee Dee Wei
on May 6, 2016 at 4:48:33 pm



What is RMC Resources?


  • A repository on all relevant evidence to promoting Respectful Maternity Care (RMC) and addressing disrespect and abuse (D&A) of childbearing women during facility births  
  • A consolidated space for researchers and programmers to share formal research evidence, as well as programmatic and implementation experience 
  • A online resource for networking within the RMC community of practice 
  • A wiki, an open-source software for collaboration and knowledge sharing



What is Respectful Maternity Care?



Find Resources:


1. Use the SideBar on the right-hand side of the webpage to navigate! Clicking on the Sidebar links will bring you directly to the folders

2. Use the above Pages & Files tab to access folders' resources 


3.  Refer to the Common Searches page. The Common Searches page is a comprehensive list of topics and content found in this online resource tool. Clicking on tags will link you to related resources.

4. Type directly into the search bar



Contribute Resources:


  • We invite users to add resources to this online resource tool! Your contributions will ensure that RMC Resources remains up-to-date and relevant to the RMC field. 
    1. Request access to edit
      1. Submit a request to website administrators here
    2. Once this access has been approved, create your PBworks account
    3. Upload your resource to the appropriate folder and sub-folder
    4. Create tags for your resource in order to describe its content and purpose. Tagging ensures that resources are searchable and well-organized. Refer to Common Searches page for a list of tags. 
  • Please read the User Guide before submitting your resources.  




This website was made possible by the Global Respectful Maternity Care (RMC) Council and Subcommittee for Evidence-Informed RMC Approaches (EIA2RMC) in collaboration with the Maternal Health Task Force at the Harvard T.H Chan School of Public Health and the USAID | Translating Research into Action (TRAction) Project.



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