What is RMC Resources?
- A repository of information on Respectful, Woman-Centered Care (WCC), including Respectful Maternity Care (RMC) and disrespect and abuse (D&A) of childbearing women
- A consolidated space for researchers, programmers, advocates, and implementors to share evidence and experience
- A wiki, an open-source software for collaboration and knowledge sharing
- To find specific materials on WCC, RMC, and D&A, browse through this online resource as noted in the "How to" section below
What is Respectful Care?
- To learn more about WCC, RMC, and D&A, visit the following websites:
How to Find Resources on this site:
1. Use the SideBar on the right-hand side of the webpage to navigate! Clicking on the Sidebar links will bring you directly to the folders
2. Use the above Pages & Files tab to access folders' resources

3. Refer to the Common Searches page. The Common Searches page is a comprehensive list of topics and content found in this online resource tool. Clicking on tags will link you to related resources.
4. Type directly into the search bar
How to Contribute Resources to This Repository:
- We invite users to add resources to this online resource tool! Your contributions will ensure that RMC Resources remains up-to-date and relevant to the RMC field.
- Request access to edit
- Submit a request to website administrators here
- Once this access has been approved, create your PBworks account
- Upload your resource to the appropriate folder and sub-folder
- Create tags for your resource in order to describe its content and purpose. Tagging ensures that resources are searchable and well-organized. Refer to Common Searches page for a list of tags.
- Please read the User Guide before submitting your resources.
Connect Across the Community of Practice
The Global Respectful Maternity Care Council has launched an effort called A World of Connections: Respectful Maternity Care, a publicly accessible database which makes identifying potential local, national and international partners and allies easier for organizations working in respectful maternity care. To access, click here.
To take the survey and add your information, click the language of your preference: Arabic, English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish.
This website was made possible by the Global Respectful Maternity Care (RMC) Council and Subcommittee for Evidence-Informed RMC Approaches (EIA2RMC) in collaboration with the Maternal Health Task Force at the Harvard T.H Chan School of Public Health and the USAID | Translating Research into Action (TRAction) Project.
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